By Scott Bruno
This article was written for the Revolution Network and Project Code Named AR2, but MORE importantly this writing was executed in preparation for the new website launch of the website, HTTP://WWW.XILLUMINATI.COM ! ! ! Come visit SOON!
When asking just about any American, or non American for that matter, the question: "When in the history of humanity was the worlds monetary system NOT controlled by the top richest and elite?" nearly 100% of the answers are, "Never". And this is THE WRONG ANSWER. How so?
One of the strongest factors in our founding forefathers reasoning for revolution was due to the corrupt Bank of England and its owners. This new group of people, the soon to be founders of America, were extremely beaten down and fatigued from their experience with the "Bank of England". The Bank of England acted much like our federal reserve does today, having ultimate control over two primary areas of a peoples lives; the Bank controlled the print of the money, and set the interest rates. This isn't bad, or an evil act by any measure, until the question popped up as to "WHO" was in charge of the Bank of England. Was the Bank of England founded, controlled and managed by a truly democratic method whereby "The People" had a voting say in its practices? Ney! The Bank of England was owned by the wealthiest in the world, ownership namesakes from such lineages as "Rothschild" "Corning" "Rockefeller" and even the royal bloodline took private monetary interest in the wrongful financial stranglehold upon the people.
Why was/is such a system Wrongful?
Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "…If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent
their Fathers conquered."
Our founding forefathers knew that if a country's monetary system was in the control of a few, powerfully elite and wealthy families, that such a system was doomed by the very greed of its own ownership. And so this was a primary reason that our early leaders demanded to break away from the Bank of England and the country's system of financial enslavement.
In 1776 when the Constitution was final and the newly found America's monetary system was in place a gold standard was set and written into law it was stated that, "Never, should America's monetary system stray from its laws based upon gold standards." The monetary system as well as the setting of the financial rates were indirectly controlled via the peoples voting upon political offices which held controlling influence over the financial markets. And so the country grew and prospered, and she prospered in peace during much of and most of the next 100+ years. That was, until, Congressional Christmas vacation in the winter of 1913.
And so during Christmas break in 1913 two (2) key systems to finance were quickly introduced, briefly reviewed by a few, and then somehow passed into law and came into being. These two key systems that arose from that cold winter in 1913 were the founding of The Federal Reserve, and the founding of the IRS. Records from this era in congress show us today that BOTH establishments passed into law without a legitimate and present congressional vote, and without proper congressional litigation processes for establishing law. The other very important action that occurred at this time was a subtle yet profound change in our monetray notes printing. Notes from 1913 and prior all had printed upon them the message stating, "This NOTE redeemable in Gold or Silver" (Remember the Silver Notes?). The congressional criminal acts of 1913 gave way to these messages being removed from all of our American notes and taking their place was The Federal Reserve Stamp. It might be no wonder how we Americans once referred to our money as notes, and today we call them "Bills". This is because that IS EXACTLY WHAT OUR MONEY IS TODAY, BILLS. BILLS NOT EVEN WORTH THE INK USED TO PRINT THEM.
The next question in line then becomes, "Who owns and operates the Federal Reserve?" And today if you ask any whole hearted American this question, the odds are very high that they will answer, "The Government owns the Federal Reserve. NOT SO. The Federal Reserve is as "Federal" as Federal Express is. It is owned, manged and fully operated by an elite group of the most wealthy families on the face of this planet. The same people that have once again, led us into the deep recesses of recession itself, and again have done so for their own personal profit.
The last gut wrenching question left to ask is this: "What makes the Federal Reserve the most amount of money and profits?" The answer come in just three (3) letters; WAR!
If you trace back in the history of our nation you will see glaring trends, and with lucid clarity. Like as in how little issue our country had in the way of financial woes, political mayhem and wars from 1776 to 1913. And how many issues we were compacted with from 1913 onward with such likes as the "Great Depression" the VERY 1st World War, Pearl Harbor and the bigger and much more deadly second World War, a non-stop continuance of high points and low points, Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Cuba, Desert Storm, OIF, Afghan, Iraq, North Korea, Iran, and yes, 911. And now, even as one whom see's the glass as half full, I am negatively confident that this recent financial collapse shall make the Great Depression look like child's play.
Perhaps we have indeed entered the end of days, the apocalypse, revelations. Regardless of whether or not this be the case a few things now become clearly evident, and it is now more than ever that We, The People, MUST come together by this very knowledge I share with you. It is time to make reality the faith that we may leave behind a system of fairness, a world based upon morally good choices and actions. It is time to be accountable and to hold accountable ALL leaders who have profited from this system. This is our duty, in honor of our children, those who without choice whom follow in our foot steps.
Join me, and let's do this, come join the Revolution Network for FREE and help us spread the news that it is TIME!
In Peace, Love and Light, God Speed.
Scott Bruno
Principal - Revolution Network
US Army War Veteran
Service Connected War Disabled - 2007
The United States Federal Reserve has notified the China Development Bank, the second largest bank in Asia and the main holder of US mortgage debt instruments, that they will be designated by the US Secretary of the Treasury as one of the financial institutions protected by this extraordinary new law, and which, according to these reports, will empower Chinese policing authorities
the right to act as law enforcement officers in the United States including
granting them the right to evict American citizens from homes whose mortgage
debt is held by China…"
The ignored prophecy by Thomas Jefferson is about to be implemented:
"…If the American People allow private banks to control the
issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks
and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all
their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent
their Fathers conquered."
Shouldn't you start thinking about protecting your family
and punishment of bankers?
READ MORE - http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1147.htm
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